계정 정보 조회

Use the Account category for various account management tasks including:
The Accounts category also includes end points for listing the recipient names associated with an email address that was used by the account.
For example, a single email address is often shared by multiple members of a family.

The AccountBrands resource enables you to use account-level brands to customize the styles and text that recipients see.

GET /restapi/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/billing_charges
The AcccountBrands resource provides methods that enable you to create and manage brands for an account.
Branding enables you to add the look and feel of your organization’s brand to the sending, signing, and email processes, making it easier for
recipients to identify envelopes coming from your organization.
The DocuSign Account Custom Branding feature enables you to set the colors, logo, and text that recipients see at the account level.
The settings associated with a brand are applied to all of the envelopes that use the brand. You can create multiple brand profiles for different
corporate brands or internal departments.
The AccountBrands resource enables you to use account-level brands to customize the styles and text that recipients see.

GET /restapi/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/billing_charges

The AcccountBrands resource provides methods that enable you to create and manage brands for an account.
Branding enables you to add the look and feel of your organization’s brand to the sending, signing, and email processes, making it easier for
recipients to identify envelopes coming from your organization.
The DocuSign Account Custom Branding feature enables you to set the colors, logo, and text that recipients see at the account level.
The settings associated with a brand are applied to all of the envelopes that use the brand. You can create multiple brand profiles for different
corporate brands or internal departments.